All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Tricia Sullivan

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by Tricia Sullivan
Thai martial arts, international crime, celebrity and mythical creatures combine in this masterful new tale of two people facing incredible dangers, from award-winning author Tricia Sullivan. Nothing she’s faced in the cage will prepare her... Jade is a young mixed martial arts fighter. When she’s in the cage she dominates her opponents—but in real life she’s out of control. After she has a confrontation with a Hollywood martial arts star that threatens her gym’s reputation, Jade’s coach sends her to a training camp in Thailand for an attitude adjustment. Hoping to discover herself, she instead uncovers a shocking conspiracy. In a world just beyond our own, a man is stealing the souls of children to try and live forever.
Diverse cast
race, Black, Southeast Asian, MULTIPLE, Unspecified 2014 YA

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gay lesbian
bisexual asexual
transgender nonbinary
genderqueer race
setting queered culture
multiple culture all-female
disability poly
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intersex aromantic

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Books Anthologies Comics

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Fantasy Science Fiction Superhero Mixed Genre

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YA Adult Middle Grade

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